Tel: 07709682104

Tash Hastings Veterinary Physiotherapy
Providing professional and compassionate services for your canine or equine partner

Equine Physiotherapy
Why will your horse benefit from veterinary physiotherapy?
Following surgery or injury, horses may benefit from veterinary physiotherapy to aid recovery and effectively restore function. Additionally, horses can benefit from regular check ups and maintenance treatments in order to improve performance and comfort. This also offers the opportunity for any problems to be identified before they potentially manifest as an undesirable behaviour.
Common Conditions Treated:
There are a variety of conditions that a horse may suffer from resulting in them needing physiotherapy. Some of these conditions include:
Acute and chronic pain
Tendon and ligament injuries
Muscle disorders such as soreness and weakness
Neuromuscular conditions which are those affecting the peripheral nervous system
Post surgical conditions
Performance enhancement and maintenance
What will your appointment involve?
An initial appointment will begin with a full assessment of your horse. First, I will observe the horse statically to assess conformation and identify any potential musculoskeletal issues. This is followed by a dynamic assessment which will involve watching the horse move at walk and trot and on a small circle to identify any lameness's or problems. In some instances, it may be appropriate to see a horse be ridden or on the lunge. Neurological testing may also be carried out if necessary. Once dynamic assessment is complete, I will palpate your horse, feeling for any pain or muscular and skeletal abnormalities. During palpation, the range of motion of the horses joints will also be assessed.
Following assessment, necessary treatments will be given and a detailed treatment plan including various home exercises will be formulated, tailored specifically to the requirements of your animal. Carrying out home exercises is greatly important to get the best results from physiotherapy treatment.
Initial appointments are expected to last around 1 1/2 hours whilst follow up appointments will be around 1 hour depending on the individual. During follow up sessions, a briefer assessment of the horse will be carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment previously given and identify if progress has been made.
Regularity of appointments will depend on the individual and their condition.
Please ensure your horse is dry and mud free for their appointment to make palpation and treatment as effective as possible!